Wednesday, October 5, 2011

HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY to the 3 humans here ..

They are important to me ;))

First, TAN THONG THONG a.k.a. my maid :)) Selamat Hari Jadi .. 
Since you are born in the 1st of October..
hope u can do your best in all aspect *especially love* to be the FIRST ;)
** don't always let others easily influence your emotion **
**don't always think negatively before everything haven't be decide**
**try to be brave to face and solve the problem**
I lov this so much ;)
Second, LOH SHU JIE a.k.a. MUAJI .. saeng-il chugha haeyo ;))
You're really a kind girl .. 
You won't hurt others *just like muaji* ...
Hope you keep this behavior forever...
ANd .. don't always laugh for nothing lah .. 

cHIAU yUee , SHU JIE & me

Third, GAN CHIAU YUEE a.k.a. FISH.. Happy Birthday ~~!!
4th of October
You're friendly 
just like a fish ??hehe 
You're funny too
Should be SAMPAT :P
Hope we can enjoy and sampat our college life together *LOVE*

Chiau Yuee & me 

ONce again Happy bIrtHdaY... !! 
I'm GeNIe ..
I'll make All of your wisheeesssss Come True.. 
Trust me !! AHAHHAHAHA

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